Hello all!
So I have been working for some time on a midi multi effect with the Axoloti. It all started off a bit as a way to learn the logic of the patcher by trying tio replicate the midi delay implemented in the Yamaha TX81Z. SInce then i added lots of another features, like random CC and PC sends as well as basic but useful stuff like an octave changer.
The patch I am working on is mainly designed so I can use basic notes sent by my LXR drum machine and transform them for improvisation live act.
It's getting there but I a bit stuck with a feature of the LXR that has been pretty annoying since quite some time:
The sequencer does not send note off data.
The only way to have a note stop is to add another note with 0 velocity on the sequencer just after the said note.
So now, because of this behavior, my midi delay does not work at all since I am sending notes to a monophonic synth (Shruthi). The first note sent stays on as long as the sequencer plays and only resets after it stops.
Would there be a way, with Axoloti, to add a note off right after each note received?
Not sure if I should focus on the in/keyb or or on the out/note…
There is a releaseVelocity in the midi/in/keyb but none on the midi/out/note…