You are correct, it does seem that way, but it is not true.
I have sourced many contributor programs for Arduino that were done several years ago and have found that they will no longer support their contribution, but are happy for anyone to use. And it would be wrong of me to expect they continue to support it. Same should apply here. TB's idea of an experimental folder is probably a very fair solution.
To be honest, my biggest concern is having contributor objects with the expectation that it will do a certain thing. If I create an object and complete it, and you try using it and find that it does not do what you want, does that then allow you to say it is not complete or in a worse case scenario say it does not belong in the contributor library ?
Please know, I am not a synth guy, I know absolutely nothing about synthesizers, but am trying to learn through the Axo. I am in my mid 40's, Love punk / alternative music ever since the mid 80's. I play the bass guitar, in fact I own 6. What I play is extremely noisy, overdriven and psychedelic, I have been addicted to effects since I started playing the bass. I taught myself to program visual basic many years ago, and this is why I got into the Axo. I had never worked with a micro processor before until I picked up and Arduino 4 years ago, the maker community has opened my eyes significantly. I put building my CNC machine on hold while I build up my Axo unit. I have relied very heavily on contributors and open source makes this very possible for anyone, I wouldn't have an Axo if it wasn't. One day I hope I have something to offer in return, but the last thing I want, is to be judge for my contribution, and I have seen how this can happen.
This is an open discussion and I am being open. The above is just to show maybe how different my goals are from everyone else or somewhat, so I will always see things in a way that suit my needs.