I agree with you both
there is a need for stability, and yet there is also a requirement that there is a 'low barrier' of entry.
as i said previously,
Im happy to have guidelines, in fact more broadly, I see this could be part of help/guidelines on "how to create objects" that work well in axoloti. it could contain things like naming conventions and also tips and tricks that aid interoperability - this would all be cool, Im all for new contributors having a resource to learn 'good practices'
on the flip side, the community library is open to all contributions, regardless if the contributor has read/followed the guidelines or not. so contributors don't need to be concerned if they are 'doing it right', they can just share whatever they want.
for the future release, we want to help both users of the library and the contributors.
- improve 'stability' by allowing users to have more options IF an object is going to break there patches
- given contributors more control over their library of objects, and ability to maintain different versions (eg. stable vs beta, if they wish)
our goal is to continue to make it easy, so anyone with or without a technical background can contribute, be it a huge library of objects, or just a few patches.
when I proposed and implemented the community library, I clearly stated, this was not a final solution, more a way to get the ball rolling and to 'see how it goes'. personally I think it seems to have been successful , thanks to the contributors! .
of course 'living' with it and hearing feedback, has highlighted both its strengths and weakness. I hope on the next major dev cycle, to make some significant changes to address these.
note: I consider the factory library a different 'animal', its centrally maintained, and stability is paramount.
beta - id avoid adding to the name. but i see no harm having a separate folder in the contributors library e.g. tb/experimental/tempomapper.axo , then the contributor can move it to the 'correct' folder when its considered 'stable'
I hope in the next major release cycle to work on a new object/patch browser, and I want to include tags with this, so then a tag would be an option. (though there will then be other choices