Noob electronics question


Apologies if this is straightforward but I'm struggling with something. I am messing about with the Axo and a breadboard just trying to learn the most basic electronics stuff. So far I can send a pot into Axo via an analog input pin and see the result from 0 - 64:

I can connect an LFO to a PWM output and see an LED dimming:

If I connect the pot directly to the LED (i.e. without going through the Axo) I can control the brightness. But... if I connect the analog input to the PWM output nothing happens and the dial "sticks" at a value of about 10:

Why would this be?


No-one? I might try on a different computer in case it's my Windows 7 machine causing more problems...

But would be useful to know if this was expected behaviour.


I personally haven't tried it, but I would point out that PWM is a digital signal. ie- it's either 0 and Vcc but varies the duty cycle to give the ability to dim LEDs, control motor speed, etc. If you plug it into a analog input (ADC) you would expect to see either max or min- or whatever values correspond to 0 and Vcc- you wouldn't get a continuously variable voltage.

Possibly you could run the PWM output through a RC low pass filter and get a variable voltage that is measurable by the ADC. If you have a scope you should plug it in and take a look at the signals.


I don't need a variable voltage though. I am trying to dim the LED by varying the duty cycle of the pulses. So, to confirm:

Potentiometer -> Axoloti (value between 0 and 64) : Works as expected
Axoloti (vale between 0 and 64) -> LED (varying duty cycle) : Works as expected
Potentiometer -> Axoloti (value between 0 and 64) -> LED (varying duty cycle) : DOESN'T work as expected

I will however try using an analog output instead of a digital output. It's just I was following this example:


This is a wild guess, but what I would try if I were presented with these results —

You have your analog in on a pin that is also within the pwm group (see the available pin outputs on the object) — try changing the analog to a different pin not listed there and see if it helps.


That's an interesting suggestion, will try that thanks.


I am running this right now... it works as expected.
Pot is 10K linear


that makes sense as even though pb1 is not connected, it is still "listening" as it is active in the patch object.
I have taken to stripping unused ports from my objects for this reason.

From the Init code:
pwmStart(&PWMD3, &pwmcfg);



This was absolutely spot on.


Great! Glad it worked out!