Mutable Models Impressions


you need to go to the original MI code to see the mapping.

QuestionMark is the 'marquee' mode.


What is 'marquee'? In Braids osc review, manuals not find any 'marquee'..

.. already find that "The marquee feature has been removed". As understand it changed to new mode "x3 Sine" at new firmware update.
Now understand, when look at all OSC modes of Braids, QuestionMark - not better mode. Its work not on full range in Axoloti.


no idea if the eurorack module has had features taken out or not. (id say not, given the source code still has it in)... I can tell you questionmark is a kind of clocked noise source.

the triple sine is also in the axo firmware, but it looks like Johannes didn't expose the macro oscillators (which the x3 sine is an example of)

sorry, I don't understand what you mean...

sorry, at this time I'm not planning on making any changes to the MI objects, as we are changing how they are implemented in the next release.


Yes, understand it. In Axo not all modules included but code already in App.

Find also WAVE_PARAPHONIC (WTX4) = Quad wavetable synthesis. Its also part of digital oscillator, and not created in Axoloti as module.

Now understand all scheme of real Braids in Axoloti. Thank You.

Also find that new firmware of MI contain: SQUARE_SUB, SAW_SUB.


I tried out the csaw sync module today, but there's a couple of issues:
firstly, I never see anything from the sync output. I assume that this should be a square wave, at the same frequency as the wave output?
Secondly, when I try and use the sync input, I never get any sound out at all, regardless of the sync in frequency... to my mind, the oscilloscopes should look exactly the same in both of these images (which only differ in whether the sync is connected).
. it's possible that I'm doing it wrong - i've been using a square input for this (as I would in modular)?

Anyone else have the same issue?


Axoloti yet to arrive but I am very interested to check out these patches. Nice work!


try using the sync output to drive the sync input of another mi module. It's possible that sync is something like a control signal that oscillates around really small values, that you can't see in the scope.

You can try to verify this by putting a math/<< before the scope ( left shift behaves like a gain, if you set it to 1 the signal is doubled, 2 quadrupled and so on) and trying different values (i'd reccommend starting with 7-8)


thanks! I realised that it expects zero-pulse-width. i stuck a delta filter on the square wave.


You can use a dirac pulse too to trigger the sync


I'm testing the models, but not side-by-side with the actual module (although I do have it). So far they are all at least functioning, my only observation is that the brds/comb model is mis-described with the 7 detuned saw model.


I'm finally taking a very close look at each of the Braids modules, side-by-side with this visual/description guide (also the v1.7 which I have a PDF saved):

Actually, this one is osc/brds/filtered which I think has been mis-labeled and mis-described. It has 4 modes in one module: each for ZLPF, ZLPK, ZBPP and ZHPF. This module doesn't produce noise, and it features the sync/reset input. So, @toneburst is in luck.

So far the only one I've come across that plain doesn't seem to work is osc/brds/digitalmodulation. I'm not sure what model this one is supposed to be replicating.


I haven't had the pleasure of playing the module IRL, but the objects in the patcher are rocking my world. When I go to modular/software synthesis I'm looking for strange oscillators first!

I started working on my fist patch today (Merry christmas to me) and landed on the TriangleFold or the first voice.


For me clds has noise that renders it pretty much useless. I think read somewhere that it may be caused by the reverb section. I wonder it someone would be willing/able to cut that portion of the module out. The noise disappears when audio isn’t playing into it but as soon as it does the noise comes through as well.


Honestly if you just want immediate use and are using a computer instead of a physical module, CLDS and LMNTS are much better ported here:

...which is free.


Yeah, I have the physical modules in my rack. Just wanting an extra clouds as stand alone


I'm on my day 1 with Axoloti and can't compile any of the MI modules.
Each one reports different errors, mostly of files missing...
Fresh install, Libraries synced...
Any ideas?


is this using version 2.0.0 or 1.0.12 ?
Because they don't work in version 2.0.0 for the moment. But they should in version 1.0.12


V2.0.0, I'll try to use the 1.0.12 and old firmware as advised by another user.


Is there any port of Rings ?


Yes, there are several objects derived from Rings code - chorus, ensemble, reverb.