MusicThingModular Controller: How to program it


Hi Folks! :slight_smile:
I hope not to be offtopic :confused:
I am a newbie user of Axoloti and Axocontrol. :blush:
I am trying to build some patches to transform Axoloti in a multieffect. I did some single patches of delay, reverb and chorus.
But now my problem is: how can i do to create a multieffect that i can control with Axocontrol?
I would like to change the parameters of the fxs with the knobs of the Axocontrol and my difficulty is that i don't know to use the objects referred to Axocontrol...

This is only a little example of what i did :sweat:
But i can configure only the 3 big knobs of Axocontrol...

Anyway.....every help is welcome :relieved:

Thanks a lot!!!!

ERROR MESSAGE: "/start.bin"

each knob/joystick has a different GPIO port and numbers (as do the leds for outputs) you will also find it useful to filter the analog inputs, as they naturally have some movement.

Ive just created a set of objects in the object library which I use to abstract this, one for each 'group' of controls ... it also display current values, which i find useful, they also have a light filter on the analogue inputs, so the readings are fairly stable.

(I found it better to have then separate, as otherwise its a large object, I often use them in 'sets' of controls like this, so grouped them 'physically')

details here
you must be using 1.0.10, and you need to sync libraries, then you will find under

if you pull up one of the objects, you will find a help file attached, that shows them all in use.

hope these help


Hey @marierose

Axocontrol is the modular thing add on board right?

If so check this thread:

There are 2 different versions, one using the gpios directly and one that converts them to midi messages. And it has got two layers, so two functions pr. knob.

See further description in the patch and in the thread.


hi mr.
first of all thanks for your answer...
axocontrol is this


thanks a lot :slight_smile:
i will try to use your objects tonite...
i will let u know :slight_smile:
thanks a lot


sorry tb,
i'm here again :confounded:
i don't want to bother u but i am not finding the axocontrol's objects that u did :confused:

i see all the objects that u did but not the folder called "ctrl"
i have updated my soft at the last version that i found: the 1.0.10

maybe my error is that i had not sync libraries
what do u mean with "u need to to sync libraries"?
how should i do? :sweat:

thanks a lot mate
and sorry again



I FOUND IT!!!!! :blush:

sorry :grin:


thanks a lot mr.

now i am fighting with your objects for the axoc...i would like to insert them
in the multifx that is showed in youtube :sweat:

hard but nice :slight_smile:


there is a relatively easy way ... which you may not be aware of :slight_smile:

use patch/modsource

basically add the axo control objects you want, and for each output connect it to a change and then the mod source
(you can rename the mod source to something sensible, which i didn't for speed :wink:)
then go to the control you wish to control, and right click and select the mod source, and the amount you want it to be modified by.

the nice thing is you can use the mod source for multiple controls, and also specify an 'amount'.

there are a couple of limitations, e.g. the checkbox cannot use this, so you would need to change the objects to bring these under control of axo control... but its a good 'starting point' to get something up and running quickly.

anyway, apologies if you already knew this, but in case you didn't I thought it might be helpful.



very very nice
thanks a lot...
i did not know it :slight_smile:
and now i discovered a new instrument :smile:

i am goin' on again (as u can see in the picture)

now i want to explore the possibilities of the buttons:
the control has 3+3 knobs but i would like to use a knob with an object and then use the same knob with another object....just to select it with one of the button
in this way i can duplicate my knobs :blush:

puff puff :sweat_smile:

ps. i have a live the 20th of august in berlin and i would like to use the axoloti as an effect or as a sampler....

thanks mr.


ok, this is straightforward, though has a couple of twists

demux.axp (2.6 KB)

so the basics of the solution is a demux object

the flip-flop simply converts the momentary switches into on/off

the demux does the what you are after, routes the single signal to an output depending on s. (we connect the defaults to the last value)

if we left it at that we would have an issue where every time we switched the, the new output would get the current knob position. (try it by connecting the demux directly to the dials in the example its useful to see it happening)

to prevent this we use a hook object...
the factory has one, but we need to use a community variant, so that we can unhook the value whenever the switch is changed. (if you disconnect the unhook in the example, you will see why this is necessary)

one small note: the axo controls dont got to zero... not really an issue, but it does mean the initial value (on the dial) of the unhook much not be zero, otherwise you wont be able to 'pick it up'... its value in a patch, would be the initial value you want the thing its controlling to be (e.g. filter pitch value)

from here you can go all sorts of directions (such is the fun of axoloti
- have multiple demux one of each knob, using the same toogle, so then its like 2 pages for knobs.
- extend the above to multiple 'pages' of objects by using different versions of demux, simply replace the flipflop with a counter (in fact i could have used a counter, with the count set to 2, and the above example would work).... of course you will then have to decide on the 'representation' of the LEDs to track... but you could for example have on/off/flashing...

but i'll leave that to you to have fun with :slight_smile:



woooow :wink: i have to work now :blush:

thanks a lot


@thetechnobear - These axocontrol objects are so helpful!! Thank you so much!

But please can you explain what the bool input and output does on tb/ctrl.axoc/joystick ?

In the example patch it seems the joystick's bool input is wired to it's own bool output? I can recreate that no problem, but it'd be great to know what they're really doing so I can tinker around with them a little more wisely :slight_smile:

Thank you!


The joystick is a button too, the input relates to the led next to it


Doh! Clever! Thanks!