Multiple toggle switches on one GPIO


I suspect that comes from an open input.

Your readings match for a 7-position switch and corresponding 6-resistor string, but you seem to have an 8-or-more position switch? A capacitor is not the right solution here, you need to correct your resistor/switch circuit.


ahhh okk, yeah im total noob but very well willing to learn ,but yeah i have a 8 position switch. so i have to add one more resistor on the next terminal i guess.


I fixed everything, all the other switches are working perfectly:) only the switch with 8 steps switch step 4. In the GPIO in from the help file, he shows perfect 8 steps. in my patch he skips step 4 and the last step he dont do anything.i tried a lot and other gpio's ,other switches etc. any ideas what it could be?

DIAL MATRIX SYNTH all connected testing.axp (105.1 KB)


Sorry, correction...: adjust the "math/*c" parameter to the number of steps of your switch minus 1. So 8 position switch -> "math/*c" with value 7.


like a sunshine now! thanks a lot!some little adjustments and fixing some other problems and he is ready for production:)


I find this very interesting :slight_smile:
Sorry to bring this topic back, but I have a question:
What should the value of the resistors be? Or would it depend on the number of steps you want to use?


Keep the resistor values the same as described, doesn't mater how many steps you have or even if you add extra steps later, just keep the resister value the same.
I had this setup with 20 momentary switches and all worked fine.
2 things to note if you are using momentary / toggle switches that are all connected to one analogue input..
1 - You can only press one switch at a time.
2 - There will be tiny fractional delay as the signal rises to its analogue value.


Great, thanks a lot, that's what I needed to know! :slight_smile: