Multifunctional buttons, knobs and leds


Im trying to make full use of 4 knobs, 4 buttons, 5 leds and ir sensor. Im trying to achieve that by default the knobs control envelope. When I click one button the knobs start to control oscillators. Next button makes the knobs control arpeggio and last button makes knobs control effects for example. How should I make the functions change. Any thoughts?


the heart of the solution is to use a 'demux' object, with the buttons selecting the input source.

you will also want to consider using the 'hook' object, which means that when you switch back to the previous mode, you 'pickup' the input on the knob... rather than immediately going to the current knob position.
(actually if you search for 'hook' this will probably find the relevant threads, where users have used knobs with 'modes/pages')


@Mindsetup Ive 'fixed' the factory hook object so it can now be unhooked. also in its help 'file' Ive provided an example which shows one input, being used for multiple parameters using a demux... so pretty much what you are after.

(you need to do 'sync libraries' to pick up the new version)


I started the patching by connecting my hardware knobs to envelope (env/m) the range of the knobs seem to be so little that I hardly noticed any difference in the sound. So I need to multiply the movement of the knob or something?


You can use a disp hex to see what range your getting and use something like << if necessary.


Thanks! Ill try it when I get back to my batcave.


Nice, the knobs have now proper good range.

Now I ran into another problem, when I assigned a knob to control osc volume with midi cc, the midi seems to detect the movement very slowly, have to go to max or min to get midi display knob moving.


I guess thats just the feature of the midi cc knobs? The hook objects doesn't seem to work all the time. How could I add third state for knobs. So that I could toggle thru three different effects with one knob.