Multi-channel outputs w/ multiple units


Just received my unit and have been exploring it a bit. Perhaps a naive question, but would it be possible to create a multi channel patch that could send audio out more than one Axoloti? Say if I had 3 units, could I create a 6-channel output surround patch? Something like Left-Front, Right-Front, Left-Mid, Right-Mid, Left-Rear, Right-Rear.



You could just run a regular stereo patch on each of your Axoloti boards and synchronize them with MIDI clock.


not sure if this belongs in a new topic, but I have a related question;
what's the fastest communication line you can set up between two Axoloti's?
I think MIDI is actually rather slow, right?
Maybe a serial connection by interconnecting some pins?
Or another way to exchange K-rate signals between two Axoloti's, with minimal latency?


Interconnecting Axoloti Cores is not supported yet. Of coarse you can use MIDI or even USB-MIDI.

Some provisions are made on the board design. Header X3 contains an SPI bus, that could be used to send and receive datastreams between two Axoloti Cores, or make a unidirectional ring network topology with more than two Axoloti Cores. Header X4 contains reference clock, bit clock and frame sync signals to synchronize the sample clocks between multiple Axoloti, to prevent clock drift.
But this is not developed yet. The easy way to expose this functionality is as a "Link" object with several audio and control rate signal in- and outlets. And then you need to create a separate patch for every Axoloti Core.

Midi between boards

Is there any development at the moment on this board-combining (so cpu is added together somehow)?
After just three days I realize that, coming from working with synthedit for 14 years myself, I just found myself a new addiction. In the last three days, I already recreated several of my synthedit creations (heuristic arpeggiator, bezier-curve phase oscillator (with unlimited phase-modulation width!), midi-clocked delay and LFO, chord-pattern/melody generator and my main objective: a "multi-timbral/polyphonic" glitch/granular fx->multiple fx that can be layered on top of each other and triggered(gate)&parameter(velocity) controlled by midi independent notes.)

For the last one I realised that I was going to need at least two boards for all the wanted fx (32 fx options, some are different variations/modes on fx, like filter-mode). One mainly for the time-effect (delay based) and the other for the amplitude/frequency spectrum fx (ringmods, distortions and filters).

For the sake of "that would be awesome".... is there any way to read out the SD-card by two different axol's?


Other work on Axoloti has kept me from working on digital audio-linking multiple Axoloti's.

No, way too complicated. And the speed would suffer.
For read-only data, it 'd be more interesting to put the files on each sdcard, so the available bandwidth is multiplied too.