Modifying parameters and monitoring


Hi folks,
I'm starting off learning to patch by trying to create a detune patch with 2 OSC's. I'm not quite sure how to go about it, and also how to monitor the inpurt and output.

To start off I'm using math/* object infront of one Oscillator. with a dial/p and my Midi note as input. Twist the knob does indeed cause a detune but it's very coarse. I'm using a disp/note object to observe the affect on both Osc's, this as well, is pretty coarse.

How do I smooth the modifier coming from the dial/p?

How do I display frequency of the OSC instead of the note?

Thanks for any help.



shift/ctrl mouse moves dials in smaller increments
also check math/smooth (a couple of them)

we don't have an object to display frequencies at the moment, but its a good idea.
actually we probably should have one for each of the interpretations, e.g. BPM, ms...
I just added note when i was was working on the note quantiser and needed to check it was working :smile:


Thanks Mr Bear. My intention is to eventually have the detune on a GPIO knob so I'll look at math/smooth.


Also you can scale the range of the dial with the "/128 " object ( Math)


Hmm, the problem is that without proper display output I can't tell if my dial (plus modifiers) are moving the detune through it's full range in line with the full range of the pot. With detune it won't matter so much but I'll bemoving into ADSR', Filters, LFO's etc next. I'm planning a volca like synth in a box.


Thank you! This helped me to make a simple but subtle +/- detune I could control with a separate ctrl knob, then assign a midi cc to, instead of using keyboard shortcuts!