I guess somewhere (on site/on forum in form of conspicuous sticky topic) should be a recommendation how to avoid this since it can happen easily.
Might have fried the output of Axo
I guess I'll have to see a friend about a hot air soldering gun then...
Before I do something possibly stupid,I guess its the QFNL IC in the image? It says IC4 but has the text "AIWI48JPDTY", which doesn't turn up any results when I octopart it..
Hi Johannes,
I just got around to experimenting with my v1.1 Axoloti today. I love it! But it just broke. It seems to be behaving like others have described in this thread - low voltages and IC3 heating up.
Should I follow the procedure to bypass IC4?
Many thanks,
I replaced IC 4 with a new one. Not too hard, but required a hot air station and a magnifying glass.
Hey there I got 2 boards now with the same sympoms, IC3 hot and red light blinking. Both boards had these failures after I fucked up something with the dc input.
@Johannes you think my boards have the failures described in this thread?
Since I'm struggling a lot with ground noises in my setup I really don't want to bypass the ground loop break circuit.
I guess replacing IC4 is then the best option? Would this be the right replacement part? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/IC-TPA6132A2RTER-TPA6132A2-TPS6132A2RTET-WFQFN-16-Original-authentic-and-new-Free-Shipping-IC/32699546195.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.9.Hm1h98&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_2_10152_10065_10151_10068_10193_10194_10136_10137_10060_10155_10062_437_10154_10056_10055_10054_10059_303_100031_10099_10103_10102_10101_10096_10052_10053_10107_10050_10142_10051_10084_10083_10080_10082_10081_10177_10110_519_10111_10112_10113_10114_10180_10182_10184_10078_10079_10073_10186_10123_10189_142,searchweb201603_2,ppcSwitch_2&btsid=0669cbdb-3288-409f-9914-06182a77f321&algo_expid=b547535a-6146-41b6-91a8-3631930b549d-1&algo_pvid=b547535a-6146-41b6-91a8-3631930b549d
I could ask somebody at my local fablab to do the exchange for me.
Yes that looks like the one,with a hot soldering gun, a microscope and liquid flux its possible to do.
Audio output does not work
Ok thx for the tip. Already talked to Johannes, he confirmed that it should be the right part.
Hello all! I have a question:
What can I do to use a single output (either jack or mini-jack) of the axoloti to work with headphones as well as stereo receivers, portable speakers, etc?
Just like an iPod works with any of those using a single mini-jack output.
terrible design. DC input kills ALL units. fuck me, just waisted 200 euros on TWO boards