MIDI Keyboard Object Legato Behaviour


That was my bad wording. What I really meant was that the note pitch should revert to the first note when the second is released, with or without retriggering of the object Gate output.

It's unrelated to envelope object retriggering, though, which is where the thread got somewhat sidetracked.



Sorry, just catching up on older posts in this thread.

Sort of. I've convinced myself that I probably want it to hold the gate outlet high until all notes have been released.

..so like this, in fact :slight_smile:
Maybe the lru object does exactly what I had in mind, afterall. Let me check again..



Then don't keep pointlessly harping-on about my post, just because you got your own wording wrong.


Fair point. Sorry about that. Let's move on.

I've just tried the keyb zone lru object, and it does appear to do exactly what I wanted in fact!
Sorry for wasting everyone's time.

...Having said that, there is one other thing I'd like that patch to be able to do, and I don't know if it's currently possible at the object level.

It would be great it there was a third gate object that stayed high as long as more than one note is held. With that, you could do all those classic mono-legato/triggered portamento/glide effects that pair so well with the lru behaviour.

Having looked at the keyb zone lru object code, it looks like it's being passed data about notes, gates and velocities from a lower-level function (which I think it what you were saying, earlier, @thetechnobear).

That being the case, I guess it's not currently possible to get the count of currently-pressed notes in object code, so a gate outlet to trigger slew/portamento on legato notes also isn't possible. Maybe that's something that could be added later.



Now that sounds like a good idea.


I don't think it does do that, but the pitch does jump back to the next-most-recent note that's still being held, which is exactly what I had in mind.



yes, it was about legato glide stuff, here: https://sebiik.github.io/community.axoloti.com.backup/t/mono-legato-detecting-overlapping-notes/1780/13?u=lokki you liked it then :slight_smile:

i think this is also covered in the above post i linked. with the addition of a flip flop you can get the mono synth legato portamento glide stuff...


A very belated sorry for wasting everyone's time with this. The combination of the keyb lru and flipflop objects does exactly what I was after perfectly, as was pointed out when I last posted an almost identical question some time ago.

Sorry again, guys,



all good! no worries.