Making a polyphonic patch without a subpatch - note order question


Hello, I am making a polyphonic, multi oscillator instrument and need to make it without subpatching (current issue with tables). I am playing around with some basics now and resorted to using a toggle and a demuxer to flip through and send pitch and gate data to identical oscillators and ADSRs. The gate seems good enough, but I am having issues with the notes since I am not wiring it all together correctly.

I need to hold the note data unless it is different, otherwise the demuxer send the note data for a short burst and then flips the oscillator back to default value (?).

Is this the right direction?


ok for now i removed the k rate demuxer and switched to using sample and hold.

But i dont get why krate demuxer was doing what it was (passing default value)

**AHH too soon. it isn't working either.

in my debug patch the displays for the booleans seem to show everything correctly. but the notes are being passed through all the time through the sample and hold, when they should be flipflopping.

**I made the flip flop even simpler, but still the same notes comes through both sample and hold objects.


this is not going to work, the gate will be 'mixed' between two notes that are active at the same time.

the solution should be sorting your table issue out... back to that thread wink


yeah it does have that issue hehe..

as for the samplehold not working - there is probably a slight delay or something. works like it should when using a toggle or a button but passing a signal to it doesn't seem right (although the displays are correct)