Lokki contributions


I use the AMT SS11A Preamp on the clean channel, with the output set to mixer (sets it to line level and has some analog cab sim).
Afterall I think feeding directly to the wave in and then filtering the output sound gives the best sound but still E F and F# are problematic.

Thx for your suggestions though, would be really cool to have simple octaver in Axoloti!


one last suggestion:

can you try and put the hp filter at the beginning of the filter chain and set it to a lower frequency, something like 8.176 hertz :slight_smile:


hmm no not really betteR :wink:


cool thanks, i have some more ideas but will try them directly with my guitar and post a guitar-centered solution, cannot promise anything will get better but who knows :wink:


ok couldn't resist...try this:

or something similar, you get the idea. boost the low frequencies. play with the gain values in the mix. maybe also try to adjust the q on the lower lp row (and increase gain to compensate for the volume loss)

this is all untested...


Ok just had something with this suggestion that worked for the lower notes but only the first octave of the guitar.

Then I tried to "improve" but can't recall how I set it up :wink:


i had a go at this with my guitar (a tele) and i could easily get reliable triggering on the lower notes, but the e on the d string was jumping like crazy. so i guess it depends a lot on the guitar. i will have a go with a bass as well (i'm a bass player) i own a mxr octaver for bass and it tracks very well. but i assume bass is easier to track because it has less overtones. also i have a pcb and all the parts for the u-boat octaver and once that is built i can compare it to my axoloti implementation.


Hi there!
I did a patch working very closely to what you did with your custom objects, but with standard objects at k-rate, and yes, the guitar makes a huge difference on mine as well... humbucker - neck position - closed tone is the way to go, even better with flatwound strings. I guess string noise gets translated in false positives on the square wave, but this is something happening also on many analog octave dividers.
Can't test your objects right now, but I will ASAP, they look very promising. Thanks for sharing!


cool! let me know how it goes. also check out my octaver patch, it's easier then with guitar input to see there what it does to the original waveform...


I played a little with your octaver patch, great fun. The stitcher to me sounded a bit more synthetic than expected, but nicely... I also patched something mixing things with my previous krate version, check it outoctaver.axp (6.8 KB)


yeah, the stitcher only really works "perfectly" with synthesised source materials, in my example octaver patch it sounds very nice i think. for real world signals like guitar it distorts quite heavily. but this is the same on oc-2 and u-boat as well. you absolutely have to filter after the stitcher if you use guitar or something. but you get a waveform that reacts to your playing, which is nice. also you get dynamics for "free"...

your approach is interesting as well, will have a play with it tomorrow. why don't you use the unfiltered guitar signal as source for the xfade? i also had a couple of ideas to improve filtering/tracking, will test those as well :slight_smile:


It just sounded better for my purpose (oc-2 emulation)

Come on!!! We need that!

I thought I'll post here some patches I made (and that got a little better with your objects), always in the realm of octavers and guitar to synth, I hope you may have fun with them...

A better OC-2 emu octaver.axp (8.7 KB)

A multi-squarewave generator from guitar input plus filters square.axp (13.9 KB)

An extremely naive way to sound like a gr-300 with the Pat Metheny sound... saw.axp (12.4 KB)

Actually they're all naive, so any thought/advice is very welcome.

Frequency divider with setable divisor

patience, sorry. i will get there. my first naive approach did not yield any better tracking. maybe i will first have to build the real thing before adapting it. as i said i have the pcb and parts for the u-boat.


you're patches sound pretty great, thx for sharing them here!

this is a great start alreay looking forward to see this thing grow!


Hey @lokki! I just realized that changing the counter in your divider object to 3 or 4 will give me instant sub-fifth and sub-octave, so I have to thank you twice more... :smiley:
Man, if you ever would implement a multiplier (something like drj/seq/clk_mul but s-rate) you'd be my monophonic synth superhero...


yeah, @valmir i know that is an easy addition, i did only not include it, because it does not work well with the stitcher... but i could just make a dedicated divider object with sub (octave, fifth, whatever) control.



here is an auduino (arduino synth) port to axoloti. i simply implemented it as an oscillator, sounds great! very wide range of sounds, true to the original all restricted to arduino limits. (bit-depth etc.)

Auduino port feasible?


same as above but with some control over the waveforms, broader spectrum of sounds. pulse width control is only available with waveform3 choosen.



stock adsr object that has two gate inputs. first one starts attack phase from last position, second one always starts from zero.



overflow those variables that store your precious samples!

nasty digital "distortion". with modulation input. at zero the signal is passed through unaffected.

works best with signals that have not much overtones, sine for example. kind of like a reversed filter...