Logic re-trigger


I'm running into some issue in a patch to trigger some drumsounds.

This simplified example is to illustrate the problem:
the sound now only gets triggered when the previous pulse was '0'.
I want it to be triggered at every positive pulse.
so, if the pattern is 1110 1110 it should trigger 6 times, not just 2.
(I tried with sample&hold fired at every clock pulse, but that also doesn t work)
How can this be done?

test_logic.axp (3.2 KB)


"logic/and 2" with the output of "lfo/square" between "or 2" and "edrum/hh"?

The hihat triggers on the transition from false to true on its trigger inlet.

Think of the yellow wires as (pseudo-) continuous streams of booleans at control-rate (3000Hz). They're not event driven like bang messages in Pd or Max.


nope. if the pattern was 11111... it would trigger only once.
I just thought of doubling the speed of the LFO and not use the first bits of the bin8 (divider) . that could work with your suggestion, although it feels wrong somehow.

that is my point exactly. I would like to work around this, because it gets messy when you want to send same value multiple times.
What would you think of a module like a S&H that responds to a trigger by first sending '0' followed by the actual value at the input (1 or 0) , that way one could force a reset (for example at every pulse).

My actual patch looks somewhat like this btw (but is not working)


no, it will trigger 10101010 (at double time) as the square wave goes to 1/0/1/0 etc

Ive done this in a sequencer before for exactly this reason.