I just started with Axoloti and i am asking me if it would be possible to build something like a morphagene. What do you think?
Is a Morphagene or Phonogene clone possible with Axoloti?
I just watched a demo video on youtube. From what I understood it's basically a very complex looper, with some windowing capability that moves it close to the granular realm. I think all of this can be patched with the axoloti, check out @rbrt looper objects, and also @SirSickSik Factotum. Good luck!
thank you for the info. I will take a deeper look. the make noise morphagene is the shit concerning eurorack. I had it, sold it, regreted it and now am thinking of doing something similar with the axoloti. At least a phonogene (the simpler, older version) should be possible, or somethin in between: a phonomorphagoloti
I had fun with samples in this patch :
It's not a morphagene clone, but a good start to play with granular synthesis.
Hope that helps you.