I know I can use Shift + Click to hold the "keyboard" input in axoloti, but I want to implement it as a full feature in my patch. How would I "hold" the pitch and velocity values being sent by my gpio/in/analog?
How to program a "Hold?"
use a logic/latch , then trig when you want to change value.
for keyb, just use gate as trig
for gpio, use need something to tell you when to hold... e.g. a digital in would do... , but again latch is the thing to use.
so i get how a logic/latch works, but i'm a but confused with how to implement it in this context. with regards to a logic/latch, how would I go about that if the blue dots can only take one input? would I need to make a copy of the entire signal flow for the logic/latch to go through?
sorry, I really don't understand your question... or use-case.
yes, a latch has to be used for each thing you wish to hold, so yes, you'd latch both pitch and velocity, but with the same input trigger.... but Ive no idea what you mean by 'make a copy of the entire signal flow'
perhaps create a (small demo!) patch which highlights what your trying to achieve, and then post it here.
one other thing, if you want to normally have the input 'float' unless, its held, then thats a bit different.... for this I use a mux object, e.g. something like:
again, its a better idea, for these kind of 'how do i patch x' questions, if you post a demo patch, which shows what your after, as really the solution totally depends on context.
there are lots of different ways to do things in axoloti.