How to limit/scale a value to a specific octave


How can I limit a k-rate note value (blue) to a specific octave ? I have two voices on a synth, but I would like that one on the two stays on a given octave (like 3). For example, B5 would be scaled down do B3 and A2 scaled up to A3.

Thank you very much.


hi there, i think this is not easily doable within the patcher, so i made you a custom object, i'll attach the patch where it is embedded, so you can see how it is used and copy it from there...

rangerestricter.axp (1.8 KB)

it looks like this:


It works great. Thanks a lot !


You can do that with the jv/math/constrain objects I made.


ah nice, did not know that. so they have inbuilt modulo as well?


No. They hard clip everything out of range.


that is why i did the object, he asked for a solution that "mirrors" every note into that range. as of now it is very naive since the lowest note is always a c, but that could easily be changed...


Indeed, limiting the range won't work in my case. But @lokki's custom object works like a charm !