GUI improvement suggestion: scrolling


As far as I can see, the only way to scroll left/right in a patch is by using the bottom scrollbar.
This requires lots of mouse-movement and point/click/drag activity.
On top of that, I have a launch panel popping up when I move the cursor to the bottom of the screen...
Wouldn't it be nice to enable the scroll wheel + modifier key (e.g. SHIFT) for left/right scrolling? smile


Or simply using middle mouse button + mouse motion, or maybe (on laptops) 2 fingers left-right

Nice idea!


IMHO: Better would be to have a classical "pan" function like in other programs.

e.g. on Windows: CTRL+Mousclick. This allows to pan the view in all directions with only one function.


yea, anything is better than having to use the bottom scrollbar.
personally, I'd prefer the scollwheel (in fact the right-hand side of the trackpad on laptop)
a matter of habbit I suppose...