Really pleased to hear this news, @urklang!
I've had a good read-up of this project, the Axo project too, and that there is potential to work with Adafruit. Have to say, I think that would be quite something, and very good for business if you manage to work a deal with them - it would certainly be very good for exposure of your products to what is really quite a niche, but on wider scale, curious 'Maker' marketplace.
I'm sadly not in a position to buy or even use one right now, but I assure you I'll be buying one, or two, or three later 
In my case this is probably for the best anyway as I'm not a coder, so I look forward to the day when there is a graphical programming environment for it kinda like the Axoloti Patcher or that one used to program the Teensy.
I was going to reply in all three threads to congratulate you on these amazing projects, but it would only get in the way of the tech talk, so thought I'd reply in this one and keep it tidy.
Well done, and all the best to you, you certainly deserve to do well and I hope these ventures prove to be a great success