Euxoloti - Hardware version confusion!


Which are the most up-to-date pcb versions? I assume euxoloti core rev2 and control pcb rev1-1 however there is a control v1 in the beta files (alongside the core rev2).


[Need Help with SPI] Euxoloti for axoloti (Eurorack Module)

Ive renamed, as euxoloti is a 'user' project..

also when you say control pcb rev1 , so you mean the axoloti core.
there are two versions, @johannes will I'm sure be along to say what the boards are marked with.
BUT they are identical in terms of user modifications i.e. it won't matter which you have for euxoloti... and you can only get the newer revision now.


No that's not what I mean.

In Euxoloti/Hardware there are 'control pcb rev1-1.brd' and 'core v1-1.brd' but in Euxoloti/Hardware/beta files there are 'control v1.brd' and 'euxoloti core rev2.brd'. I'd normally assume that the beta files would be the most recent however the control pcb in the beta folder appears to be an earlier version than the control pcb in the hardware folder.

Should I just ignore the beta folder then?


tagging @paul, the developer of Euxoloti.


ok, so was Euroloti specific ...
in which case you need to probably ask @paul , and might be worth posting on


I thought I was posting on the Euxoloti forum! Thanks anyway


as far as i know there is no dedicated Euxoloti forum !? but I can understand the confusion :slight_smile:

Euxloti is a user based project on Axoloti technology, its not an 'official product' of Axoloti.
really its an extension, as the software etc, and the underlying techs the same.
anyway, your free to post questions here, just if its about the hardware bit, its best to reflect this in the title of the post, so as to avoid confusion.
(of course questions about the axoloti board and software won't be specific to Euxoloti)

anyway, welcome, and hope you can get your Euxoloti built, should be a lot of fun :slight_smile:


hi @edwinm
euxoloti is my personal project which I do as a fan of the axoloti. the latest revision at github is Rev. 1.1 but there were many changes till then. Rev. 1.1 wasn't produce any official because before ordering the new proto board I had a longer email conversation with @toneburst about what would be cool.
Yesterday the new proto board have arrived and I'm still assambling and testing them before doing any official news to prevent chaos. more will be later at the euxoloti thread.


@edwinm it's going to be very cool indeed! Stay tuned.



wow, looking good... is there going to be CV out? or thru an expander board?

also, have you an idea how eventually you will release this?
do you plan on settling as a product? or as a kit?

Im not currently into eurorack (or unfortunately diy electronics) but this could definitely change that :slight_smile:


Yowzer! An all in one pcb? Looks wonderful! Perhaps I'll hold off making a pcb until the new one then! Thanks!


thanks a lot. eurorack is fun! most of my eurorack stuff is diy because I love to learn electronic by "learning by doing" method :yum: it's like an addictions.

There will be an extension with a 16bit 8channel dac out as cv out (10Vpp) function. I had ordered the usb2mcv pcbs (2 cv out) but it will be obsolet with new euxo design and the usb2mcv needs fine pitch smd soldering skills etc. so that wouldn't be good as an essential extension.

I'm also working on a tft, rotary encoder extension controlled by a separate mcu (maple mini at the moment). It can also be used in standalone with gat8 and usb2mcv pcbs. But first I want to finish the main euxo pcbs…
the euxo from the photo is the last test before final run. I think it will needs 2-3weeks for the final pcb call.

I plan to offer the euxo stuff mainly as "pcb only" and maybe some as kits. kits depend on request.
Some of the stuff will be offered by myself. hopefully, the main part will be distributed by professional eurorack synth shop. I think this will be the best way to go.
If you or someone can't build an euxo by yourself, just send a request and if I have time I can build one for you else there is a thread at muffwiggler where you can request solder jobs etc. Beside this, I'm not a professional electronic or busyness man so I'm worried about the regulations for selling finish electronic products…

no, the euxo from the photo needs 3 pcbs (core, control & gat8) + axoloti. I don't know if euxo + gat8 will be include in one panel or gat8 as a separate module…I will request what you and any other interested want to selected. The final panels also should be black matt instead of shiny black.

depth is around 5cm.

I promise that the next euxo post will be in the original euxo thread.

Axoloti to Eurorack & back Integration - Theory & Practice ( + Questions)