Emulation of 909 kick drum


I don't have a 909 but I made this by comparing to ReBirth. I tried to limit the controls to how they are on RB but made the decay a bit longer.

The timing is not rock solid but this will be fixed when we get a phase resettable sine oscillator.

909kick.axp (2.7 KB)
inverter.axs (3.1 KB)
inverter_s.axs (3.1 KB)
goodanalkickvoice.axs (16.5 KB)

edit: I also chose to include a soft clip "drive" instead of the "level" which is a pretty boring control anyway.


sounds pretty awesome! smile


goodanalkick.axs not found. smiley


Damn! There should be a save all option for us dummies.. I'll edit the first post to include this quite important part of the patch.


Thanks for starting this JSZ!


No problem! To solve the timing issue, follow instructions here: https://sebiik.github.io/community.axoloti.com.backup/t/basic-drum-machine-with-6-sounds-8-patterns-and-shuffle/522/8


Thanks JSZ. It's a very good base for techno kicks



Looks like nice ideas, I'll check them out later. Thanks for these!