Dynamic signal split



I'm having trouble finding a way to (reliably) split a signal based on a dynamic threshold. I'm using piezo pick ups as audio inputs, envelope following the signal and then aiming to trigger 2 separate synth sub patches based on whether the signal is above or below a certain threshold.

Currently I'm using 2 independent thresholds (pairs of 'ctrl/dial p'), one set between 6-31, and the other between 31.5-64, into 2 'logic and/2'. The idea being that only one of these would output at any one time based on whether the piezo is struck hard or softly.

Currently the problem is when the signal is within the 'loud' threshold, it travels through the 'quiet' threshold before and after because of the shape of the waveform. Is there any way of reading the peak of a transient and sending this data as opposed to continuos data? I was thinking if a module such as this existed (or a workaround) I could send peak levels from the gain stage.

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I'm very new to this crazy axolotl world!


Maybe you can use a latch function?

Send the k-rate data through a latch object, and use the threshold trigger to trigger the value ONLY when the trigger is send, then it is not continues.