Disp/ibar 64 - extracting data and coding events


Im hella noobish.
Ive just got my Axoloti and am having fun with making up things with objects in the GUI.

One of the main things I wanted to do, and the reason I got the axoloti actually, was I want to isolate the data in the display bars. That is I want to create triggers/events by extracting the periods that the bars are lit and using them to drive other objects.
Firstly, is this possible?
Does it require coding?
Can someone please hold my hand and guide me through? I dont know anything outside of embedding the standard objects and linking them up.
Thanks in advance Im having so much fun.



HEy and welcome.

I am just another user like you, but had mine since may last year so know a littl by now :smile:

There are a few things to explain. First ibar does not do anything on its own. It is only an display or analyzer. But there are many sequencer that you can set up as you want and do what you want.

I'd encourage you to look into tutorial 26 - simple sequencer. That show how to use the sequencers. When you got that right, you can set them to do many things. There are many different sequencer for different needs.

But to be honest I am not sure I fully understand what you want to do...


Please clarify what you intend to do...


Thanks Jaffa and Johannes.
Im aware ibar is just a display but figure it is the best object to achieve what I need.
The basic plan is to analyze audio from the audio inputs, and create different events/triggers dependent on the frequency of the incoming audio.
Im experimenting with the fantastic XY Cymatics patch on my old Vector Monitor, its great as it is but I want to start making it responsive to real world sounds.

In the future I want to use this similar principle to have the Axoloti track real world audio and do various tasks so thought the disp/ibar 64 would be the most versatile, if this object feature doesnt already exist of course.



I think the issue is these statements don't connect... ibar just displays an integer as a graph, it has no analysis functions... which is what you say you are trying to achieve

if you want to analyse frequency content, then things are a bit tricky...
you will need to do fft, we do have an object which displays this (rfft) , but no objects which output the fft buckets for processing. ( if you can program in C, rfft could give you a starting point)
(rfft is in the spectral directory)

without coding a new object, the only other approach i think is to use filters.
this was how someone here managed to create a vocoder
see : https://sebiik.github.io/community.axoloti.com.backup/t/how-to-patch-a-vocoder/426/4


Would be cool if such an object will appear in the future.


Ah thats a real bummer, Im completely incompetent with code of any sort so its out of the question me coding such an object.
Thanks for putting a name to what I want to do, I had hoped it was possible with axoloti but for the moment I will try the filter/vocoder route.