Converting a fuzz model from Spice?


Hi all,
according to WDF algorithms, I would like to implement a particular fuzz model extracted from LTSpice, but i need a IIR function to calculate output signal. I'm not DSP expert (theory and implementation) so I ask for clarification.
Thanks in advance

Fuzz, overdrive and distortion modelling

(moved to new topic, as this fits better in the AxoObject coding category)
There is quite a gap between an LTSpice model and a IIR function. There is no general fits-all IIR function (or it would be numerically unstable). Could you be more specific, maybe refer to a paper book or tutorial, about what you're trying to do?


Well, the link is:
I understood that algorithm, works firstable with the coefficients calculation and then applying IIR to that coefficients.
Is this correct?

Modeled Compressor and EQ etc

I see, this is Faust code, Faust can then convert this into c++ code. I think that code will contain the relevant IIR implementation, since there are several common types: direct-form-I, direct-form-II, transposed-form-I, transposed-form-II
I don't have experience with Faust, but exporting Faust to Axoloti objects is on my wishlist :slight_smile:

Embedding Faust DSPs on the Axoloti

So, it seems i have a sort of crystal ball to see your desires...well, I don't have experience with Faust too, but we can try to obtain something working.


If you plan to wrap Faust-generated code into an Axoloti object, for performance reasons, it is better to use float than double because the processor does not have hardware support for "double".
I notice this particular algorithm uses a 5th order IIR, which I find a bit odd, as those can be numerically unstable, often IIR filters are split into 2nd order sections. Higher orders are not necessarily numerically unstable, a Karplus-Strong resonator is a very-high-order IIR. Conversion from double to float may or may not cause trouble for this fuzz model, if you experience numerical instability this is suspect.
Having a quick look now.
Update: can't get the online faust compiler to process the fuzzface faust code, giving up for now.


Yes, we have to use float...


So, you want to use Karplus-Strong resonator instead of a 5th order IIR.
On my first Faust installation, the original dsp code doesn't work -> Faust crash! :slight_smile:


No, KS is only an example of a stable, well-conditioned, high-order IIR topology, but not a replacement.

Yes, there seems to be a problem in the referenced Faust code.
I found working faust fuzzface.dsp code and corresponding It looks quite transferable to axoloti, but I'm in doubt between addressing a single one or trying to address faust in general.


I know 'cause "time and time ago" I ported that algorithm to other architecture...just translation, without understanding! I am a bit 'tired to not understand :smile:


Back from my wedding and honeymoon :wink:
Sorry, what is the difference between k-rate and s-rate code?


the frequency of execution.

k-rate = control rate, its 3kHz , use for control signals... e.g. an envelope feeding a vca
s-rate = sample rate, aka audio rate , 48kHz, used for audio signal (or audio rate modulation)

in axoloti, the dsp callback is at k-rate (3kHz) and for each cycle we have a 16 sample buffer, so 3x16 = 48kHz.
you will find in the object editor a tab for k-rate code, s-rate code.


So i have to put my routine in s-rate...ok


looking at the very quickly (so not really looking at what it did at all!)

the function:

 void always_inline Dsp::compute(int count, FAUSTFLOAT *input0, FAUSTFLOAT *output0)

is very similar to the axoloti dsp() function which is k-rate.
where count is (I assume) the number of samples.

the k-rate function can access the entire audio buffer, and BUFSIZE is the number of samples (16)
if you look at something like osc/pwm and the filters you will kind of see what I mean.

(basically the bit in the compute() for loop is the s-rate code, but you cannot just insert this into the s-rate handler in axoloti, since you need to execute the code before and after it at k-rate... and in axoloti the k-rate code is execute before the s-rate, so you wouldn't be able to the bit after)


God bless you! :slight_smile:


Another question: algorithm above uses double or float, so i decided to use float as a first test.
How can i convert/cast/scale dsp (const int32buffer inlet_i1,int32buffer & outlet_o,
int param_fuxxlevel )
buffer's integer values to float?


the buffer is an array, so you will need 2 float arrays,

you can then convert each element with

float f = v*(float)(1.0f/(1<<27))

(and the reverse) to go back to int32

(the int32 is Q27 format)

#18 works! I hear something...but i've to increase my bass guitar active pickup over the top...


Found the problem! Much better now, much better...


cool, it would be interesting to hear what steps you went thru to do this...

a couple of specific questions:
- whats the performance like? (cpu)
- did you just take the faust code as a starting point and edit it, or did you get it to compile directly?