Convert 24ppq to 96ppq


I'm getting more into building sequencers and automation recorders with tables and I was wondering how you would convert a 24ppq clock to 96ppq. I have some Ideas that I will try out, but since this seems an essential thing for building midi loopers I thought it might be handy to start a topic on it and exchange some Ideas.

I've skipped through this article:

And what it says is basically you have to measure the space between the clock ticks and fill it up according to the measurment.

So my approach is to take for example SirSickSik's timing engine, multiply the freq output by 4, feed this to an lfo whichs resync is trigger by the clock. Does this sound reasonable?


yes sounds reasonable +1 for this question, to really groove&shuffle it would be sooo nice to enhance the ppq! @johannes could you point us to an efficent method? my NModular fails at this ....only 24 ppq....


I have a k-rate clock multiplier floating around. I just moved it to the contributor library so you can check it out. Like all the sync-type modules I make, it's phase locked so it will not drift.

Look for drj/seq/clk_mul.

Edit: added drj/seq/clk_div for completness. By using both you can get non integer ratios.


Really cool, thanks a lot for sharing! It seems to work perfectly :slight_smile:

Yes now we can loop with soul and groove :slight_smile: