Bools as 32-bit Integers


I'm wondering what the logic is behind using signed 32-bit integers instead of boolean variables inside objects.
I notice the gate/logic input and outputs are also 32-bit, which seems odd to me.

I've been using bools variables to store on/off states in my objects, and they seem to work fine, but I'm wondering if I should be using ints instead.



There is no logic behind, and I consider changing them to bools.

No, it's good practice to use bools.


Oh, good to know!

Does that mean you will change the inlet/outlet types, too? Maybe there's no need, since translation between bools and int32 bool in/outlet seems to work transparently.




This 'd prevent ambiguous behavior by objects that depend on the actual value like noticed here:
in other cases I do not expect any functional impact from this change, still I need to verify carefully before making this change.


Yep, I noticed some of the Library objects I've been looking at use numeric comparisons on bools, which may be broken if in/outlet types are changed to true bools.



aha, just commented on that in the thread
1 bit bools makes more sense
and then my original example will work :smile: