Bela and PI3


Update 3 on Pi3/PD install - Audio interface:

And final step, the audio interface UCA 202 is also working now. Had to make 1 small change to a configuration file to get it working. And I must say all the complaint I had at first about audio glitches and unstable system are gone now, after getting an external audio interface. I can run semi heavy patches made on my Mac on the PI at lowest latency(64) and I have no glitches at all.

So now I have all the hardware I need and it is talking together nicely. Now some steps towards optimisation must be done, but over all it all works, so very happy builder here :slight_smile:


Have you guys considered the Teensy+Audio board? Cheap, lots of IO, can do analogue, displays + audio. It also has an online GUI for axoloti style patches that spits out C++. You can also write your own objects for it.


I looked at it closely before I found the Axoloti, I couldn't much of a community around it, unless I was looking in the wrong place. And price wise, for me anyhow, seems on the high side compared to the Axo. :grin:


Hey @mongrol

At first I was also obsessed with getting many ins/outs from the PI3. But to be honest, I actually dont think I will need them that much as much I thought I would. My plan is to build MORE instruments instead, haha :slight_smile: Anyway, will see, the UCA 202 omly set me back 30€ so If I have to buy another AI to get more ins and out I will do that.