there is currently no search for patches
you can access all of the patches in the factory and community library via file->library
(they are automatically downloaded when you do sync libraries)
generally, the focus has been more on sharing objects so you can create your own patches, using the variations you want... e.g. you talk of clds, but do you want to run an oscillator thru it, or audio in - for everyone its different - so often the patches you will find, are just examples other have used, and decided to share.
I don't think I did any example patches for lmnts/wrps but I did do help patches (which is what you should always check for first!) .... so create a patch, add new object , type in lmnts, add the object, right click and then select help.
as others have said, learning Axoloti like many patching environments (try max, pd, reaktor) is very much a hands on, experiment, explore, patch - so start simple, that's the point of the tutorials if you understand what they do, you will be able to create patches. then to 'extend them' simply use the search dialog to find new objects (e.g midi) and see what is available.
my recommendation is always the same, start simple, start with what you can do, then add a feature at a time, if it doesn't work, find out why... if you cant work out how to do something, search here, ask questions here - if your getting frustrated, its likely you are trying too much, too soon...
id also recommend you stick to factory objects initially, partly just to limit choice, but also because some of the community objects are pretty complex - once you are familiar with patching the factory objects, then you'll be in a better position to understand more complex objects.
finally search this forum, Axoloti has been around for a quite a while now, and many beginners have passed thru the doors asking questions, so the forum is a gold mine of information. (yeah, knowing what to search for is the tricky bit
(p.s. I'm not saying the documentation is perfect, its not, and it wasn't designed to teach patching)
Axoloti offers so many possibilities, but it takes time for you to unlock them, this also makes it a very rewarding experience. also remember, when its 'hard', you are not only learning about Axoloti, but also about dsp/midi programming in general... a skill very useful for other patching environments too.
anyway, what are you initial ideas, what do you want to do with Axoloti?