Axoloti w/Teensy


When you say PD Passthrough, are you referring to connecting to the pins behind the Axoloti MIDI in? The code you made is being received by Midi Monitor via USB, but I'm getting 0 signal when plugging into the pins behind the MIDI in. I'm going off of the instructions:

Teensy TX8 (pin 35) > Axoloti Din pin 5
Teensy 3.3v > 220 Ohm Resistor > Axoloti Din pin 4
Teensy Gnd > Axoloti Din pin 2

For the record, the teensy is receiving power via USB because I haven't set up the Axo pins to power the Teensy direcly yet, not sure if that makes a difference.


No, that snip of code is only for sending MIDI out the Teensy USB port.

By pass through, I mean connecting both Axoloti and Teensy to my Mac using USB, and using PureData to pass MIDI received from Teensy (via USB) to Axoloti (via USB).

If I read correctly, you are unable to send MIDI from Teensy to Axoloti using either USB or DIN. These are likely unrelated.

Iā€™m pretty sure your wiring is incorrect, or the resistor value is wrong for 3.3v.


Iā€™m pretty sure your wiring is incorrect, or the resistor value is wrong for 3.3v.

You were right in more ways than one. After some digging it seems like I would be fairly content using the Axoloti RX pin (I'm only transmitting MIDI to the Axoloti) and programming the code using the fortyseveneffects MIDI library. The only MIDI messages I've gotten the Axo to receive are from this code:

I'm trying to put a pot in this code but it's not showing up in the Axoloti, but that's probably because I've written the program wrong. I'm really that new to programming :sweat_smile:

Finding a way to make the Axo read usbMIDI would be a huge boon as well, so that project continues. I mean, is Teensy the only MIDI-compliant device that puts serial before MIDI messages over USB? What's the difference between a manufactured USB controller (like my Launchkey) that works immediately when plugged in vs. the Teensy? Also, is this a problem for Arduino UNO users?


You should try to be very precise when asking questions on a forum, and make a new thread for each question.

You have questions about USB, DIN MIDI, pots. All separate topics.

Note also: there have been no bug fixes to Axoloti for years. It is a virtually abandoned product.