Axoloti not powering on


Hello, fellow Axoloti Community.

I received my Axoloti yesterday and installed all the necessary drivers and software. I booted it up and played with all the demo patches and started learning how to make my own. That was last night. This morning I came in and everything was just as it was. I plugged in the USB cable and noticed that the red/green led lights did not come on. I tried powering the board with a different power source but it still not turning on.
I tried to figure out how to troubleshoot this on my own by looking through the manual and the help guides and doing a search through the forum. I'm pretty new so I may have missed it. I would appreciate anyone's assistance with troubleshooting this issue further.

Sincerely yours --


The first thing to try is doing rescue flash, this procedure is described in the section "Rescue mode (DFU)" here"

On Windows this needs an extra step to install a compatible usb driver, documented in the section "Advanced installation (Rescue mode)" here:


Thanks very much, that seems to have fixed my issue.


That's good news!
The common cause for symptom you've observed (no red/green leds flashing during powerup) is unplugging the board while firmware flashing is in progress.
I don't understand what would have caused this between last night and this morning, if this happens again without apparent cause, please give a shout.


I think that explains it. I think I had a bad usb hub which I've fixed. I was also screwing around with getting it running on an old netbook with windows xp and it wanted me to flash the rom when I plugged it in the first time? So I let it do it and I think that's when my usb hub shorted out the connection.