Axoloti and X0X Heart


Anyone know if it would be theoretically possible to control an X0X Heart directly from an Axoloti, using existing IO, and with existing Axoloti Patcher objects?

I believe most X0X Heart parameters can be controlled by PWM or simple on/off gates, but that it would require a DC V/Oct control voltage to control the oscillator pitch.



It should be possible. You can find the list of all the GPIO in this topic:

Screenshot below shows an envelope, dial and analog in connected to PWM out.
Square LFO, ctrl/toggle can be used for on/off out.

The only thing you need to figure out is what voltages the X0X Heart expects as input. Don't know if the 3.3V output of Axoloti will be enough.


Sorry for the delayed reply. Sounds positive. I'll have a look at the x0x Heart manual re. control voltages.
