I have been working with the ax-101 (sh-101) style sequencer that was made a while back.
I am trying to revise it to have more. What I would like Is to have more table read and table write so that I can have more tracks instead of buying many axolotis for each table write and read... (my step input from midi keyboard on usb port)
I have made silly revisions that I still am working with.. basically I copy and pasted the patch, changed table read and write names and size from 64 to 32 .
added modulation cc for table 2.
so vol cc writes table read and write t1, while other writes then reads for diff cc position..
Is this right?
Its a really good patch this 5b revision and i would like more tracks to record on and trigger from seperate channels to step the sequence forward....
Thanks for the hard work in sound everyone!