Assign GPIO to parameters that are NOT "AVAILABLE"?


Hey folks,
is there any way to assign hardware potis to parameters in the software that are not prewired / as blue inputs available...
In the picture below, you can see what I have in mind?

Maybe there is some way / method inside the "Edit Object Definition" menu?
I was trying to create new inlets, but apparently I can't assign any of these inside the software, right?!

Thanks :slight_smile:


community inlets.axp (10.6 KB)

I have added inlet for the parameters you like. try it out, it should work.


Thx for the quick response :slight_smile: :+1: , but
A: somehow it doen't work (saying "incomplete object reference attribute in string_1")
B: I would also need that for many other modules, so it would be great, if you told me how I could do that myself :slight_smile:


Well... oh..... I thought you just copied these into a new patch.. Yes you need some other things. Sorry I dont have to much time right now.

Here is how to add inlets:


Well, I'm thankful for every kind of help, so thank you so far!! :slight_smile:
I will try, how far I can get with that


Try with a simpler object first. Its a complicated object you are trying to edit.


would something along those lines also work for you?

the menu on the dial is reached via right click on the mouse. note that you can set the "depth" and direction of the control in that way as well.


Yes, that would totally work for me! :slight_smile: Thx! But two questions regarding your idea:
1. apparently I don't have that specific "modsource auto", I only have "patch/modsource" - is that a problem?
2. What would be the downside of this technique? I mean, it's suspiciously easy you know?! :smiley:

Thanks alot!


well, you should have it in the community library, since you also have the tiar/dist/fold i assumed you had it setup.

anyways, you can also do it like this (adjusting the speedlim will change your update rate):

well, this technique is simpler because you don't have to hack objects, but it is more expensive in terms of sram usage etc. so if you run out of sram or cpu you might reconsider this method and add inlets to objects instead.


Thank you so much, that truly helps me a lot! :slight_smile: I will try it tomorrow, and see if it works, the way I want it...