I've rigged up a midi controller using a Teensy LC board today and it is capable of outputting cc signals via USB....unfortunately my USB input is currently occupied by my midi controller (Oxygen 49 MKIII)
I'm wondering if there are some pins on the board that I can solder an additional USB input to so I can connect my Teensy while my Oxygen controller is plugged into the main USB input....Also hoping this is possible so I can attach my Oxygen directly to the Axoloti and still have the usb accessible when I eventually throw them both into a custom enclosure....
I'm also wondering if I could even just wire the Teensy directly to the board through rather than adding another USB....the Teensy can be powered using 3.3v off the Axoloti and I'm certain it can output its midi signals through a pin rather than through USB.
Here are some HD pictures of the Axoloti board...if anyone can point out where the USB/MIDI pins are ---- assuming the exist ---- I'd be very grateful and will have a really cool looking synth to show everyone soon!
EDIT: the photos are wonky looking because I photo-merged them so the text printed on the PCB would be legible
EDIT2: in case anyone is wondering, Im using the Teensy because the Oxygen just doesn't have enough knobs and sliders and buttons and whatnot for what I want to do...