Hey have you seen this?http://createdigitalmusic.com/2016/03/ableton-just-released-every-last-detail-of-how-push-2-works/
Ableton Push controlling Axoloti
yup, but old news, we were doing this within a few weeks of release
but it is nice to have it official, I had asked Ableton, but Im still surprised they have done it.
as an aside, I actually have the Push 2 talking to my Raspberry PI 2
Any tips on how to get started with Push 1 and Axoloti?
I saw the patch in the community lib but it does not do anything so far. Is it just a prototype?
as far as I know, it should be working...
I used to put this in a controller object (subpatch), but for testing purposes you can just place it on the patch.
in the console when you connect the push, you should see it also recognised as a midi device;
you then need to set the device input and output, from memory this is 'usb host port 2' (but try 1)
... as you will know, this is due to the Push having 2 midi ports, 'user' and 'live', and axoloti has to talk to the right one.
(you'll know immediately, as the pad and display will do things)
Note: these are attributes, so you have to 'restart' the patch, to take effect.
sorry, I know, Im using works like 'should' and 'from memory', but unfortunately, I traded in my Push 1 for a Push 2, so I can't test it here.
Im pretty sure it was working fine last time I used it, but stupidly before I packed up he Push1 to go to ableton, I didn't do a final test.
what I might be able to do, is to do a test with an Push 1 emulator on the Push 2... though this can only be via a PC.
well it works, and it was further on than shown in the video -but yes, its not as far as I was going to take it... and I wont be taking it further (unless I convince myself to get another P1 )
it would be reasonably easier for someone to take it over.
Now i can connect and play on the keyboard, in the video you had assigned the encoders and even given graphical output back to push. Are these features avialable by GUI programming or shall i dive in the code and build a new object?
I am so excited about this, it is really awesome!!
EDIT: Okay, i figured it out, i hadn't used subpatch programming so far. It works great. Wow, i fell like a whole new world is opening up to me. Now i can take my axoloti to band practice on Thuesday
awesome, glad you got it working...
(I was miffed with myself for not doing final testing before I traded in the Push)
I think most things were working, like browsing and loading from the SD card... scales, parameters...
(you can add more scales in axo_push_scale.h )
I agree it does open up Axoloti a lot, I actually miss having it around, it was great that it could be powered directly from axoloti.
The stuff that is implemented works perfectly.
I am now thinking about making some improvements. Maybe you can help me to get started. I would really like to be able to make some kind of selection of control dials that are accessible from Push. Right now all control dials throughout all subpatch levels are used. The obvious approach would be to restrict the selection to the controls avialable in the top level, i.e. the main patch. Any tips on how to get started there.
Your wish may be coming true... I just picked up a used Push 1 for $180! Can't wait to try it w/ the axoloti. Is there a way to control two of them without a Pi? Thanks for your great work on this!
sorry guys busy on other projects at the moment.
@Hugo its a while since i read the code. I think this will be problematic, since the parameter table it uses, I dont think knows anything about the hierarchy of objects/patches.
there are 2 changes probably for the future:
a) parameter need to have more meta data/stucture
b) custom objects for push, to allow the UI to be 'explicitly' designed.
(a) is need for axoloti control , so is likely to happen, then the Push object will need updating.
(b) could be done now, and could be done in a similar way to the way I use axocontrol.
the latter is more flexible, since a completely custom display could be made, the disadvantage is you probably have to add 'patching code' to each patch you use... but you can consider this is 'building its UI'
... its probably what I would do for now, and I was going to do this for a sequencer, as its the only way to make a decent UI.
@Shrigg yeah, I'm keeping an eye out still ... prices are still about 50% more over in Europe...
Im pretty close to have a Push 1 emulator for the Push 2 running on a rasperry PI, but as always this is competing with other things Im doing
connecting 2 axo in series and combining the parameters to display on the push wont work (without dev effort).
the issue is axoloti has no way currently of sharing parameters across boards.
with a bit of dev, you could possibly 'hack it' by forwarding push midi messages , by creating an 'intelligent' switch... but thats not trivial to make it work well.. (the push object 'optimises' the display sysex messages to keep 'load' lower)
seeing a 'world view' of parameters/objects, might also be something thats valuable for axoloti control.
(my intention for using with a 'PI hub' was to rewrite this, and basically get the Axoloti to push parameter data to the hub, and then the PI would render to the Push)
generally, the axoloti firmware needs a bit of development to help more elaborate controllers have a good UI, but as mentioned above, this effort is also a requirement for axoloti control.
Arturia Minilab / Beatstep
Hi, i have a push just laying around, got it for about 120$ here in sweden, they are dirt cheap atm been thinking that it would be a perfect controller for axoloti, or even using the euxaloti to create a cv sequncer, but im getting ahead of myself. I dont now any coding but i really want to use the push without a pc!
One problem i stumbled upon using the push object is that the encoders send midi notes when you touch them, very anying!
anyone know why?
anyway, great work getting this started, just wish someone would continue working on this