128 channel mux for many buttons to axoloti?


tiar object maybe.axp (17.3 KB)
okay, I'm not sure if I did this exactly how you are asking. just let me know and I can change it. the green one is int32, and i dont know if it needs to be bipolar, positive, or normal.

I suppose I'm confused why the 8 channel mux would be necessary for the 120 switches if it’s already covered by the 8 16 ch muxes .


The 8 ch mux allows all 8 of the 16 ch muxes to be read using a single input. This uses 4 pins, instead of 8.

But, if you have enough free I/O on the MCU, just use 8 input pins, and don’t use the 8 ch mux.

All of this is just for scanning the buttons, one at a time, to see on/off status. Handling polyphony is going to take additional work in software.


Ahhh I see now. Thank you for explaining.
Okay, it looks like I have some more decisions to make.
Based on what you know about what’s available in terms of fairly easy to use axoloti objects and how much customization/programming beyond a novice level would be required, do you think it would be more fruitful to spend time making this method work or learn to successfully encode midi from the Arduinos serial ascii messages, which currently emulate note on /note offs?
Sorry for the run on sentence. :sweat_smile: I must admit, I am worried that if I try this method with the 8 ch mux, I will get stuck again for a while without many resources and people to help someone at my level successfully mux 8 muxs. I’m feeling more optimistic in myself this time around though and I won’t try to let insecurity prevent steady movement forward. :pray:t2:


I can't comment on that, as I'm not familiar with all the objects available on Axoloti, nor am I familiar with what Arduino library you are referring to.


no worries thank you for all your advice thus far!

I've successfully transmitted MIDI messages now from arduino over USB and either going to send to axoloti over PA3(RX) from arduino's TX or possibly try to solder a spliced usb cable to the back of the USB port. I'm not sure if this second one would work or not or if its advised.